Nous soutenons la recherche clinique préhospitalière

Genève Team Ambulances soutient la recherche clinique préhospitalière. Certain·e·s de nos collaborateur·rice·s dédient une partie de leur temps à la recherche clinique qui mène notamment à des publications scientifiques. Nous donnons ci-dessous les références des études publiées par nos collaborateur·rice·s ou portant sur des données émanant en partie de notre service.

Ambulances GTA

Koka A, Stuby L, Carrera E, Gabr A, O'Connor M, Missilier Peruzzo N, Waeterloot O, Medlin F, Rigolet F, Schmutz T, Michel P, Desmettre T, Suppan M, Suppan L. Asynchronous Distance Learning Performance and Knowledge Retention of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Among Health Care Professionals Using Video or e-Learning: Web-based Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2025;27:e63136.
Stuby L, Suppan M, Desmettre T, Carrera E, Genoud M, Suppan L. A Two-Step Approach Using the National Health Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Assessed by Paramedics to Enhance Prehospital Stroke Detection: A Case Report and Concept Proposal. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2024 Sep 4;13(17):5233.
Stuby, L., & Thurre, D. (2024). Time performance of scoop stretcher versus vacuum mattress for prehospital spinal stabilization: open-label simulation-based randomized controlled trial. Emergency Care Journal 2024; 20(1).
Fehlmann, C.A., Stuby, L., Graf, C. et al. Assessment of Frailty by Paramedics using the Clinical Frailty Scale - an Inter-rater Reliability and Accuracy Study. BMC Emergency Medicine 23, 121 (2023).
Ozainne F, Rauss L, Stuby L. Psychological State and Exam Performance among Paramedics' Students in Geneva during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023; 20(4):3736.
Stuby L, Mühlemann E, Jampen L, Thurre D, Siebert JN, Suppan L. Effect of Intermediate Airway Management on Ventilation Parameters in Simulated Pediatric Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Protocol for a Multicenter, Randomized, Crossover Trial. Children (Basel) 2023; Jan 12;10(1):148.
Suppan L, Jampen L, Siebert J.N, Zünd S, Stuby L, Ozainne F. Impact of Two Resuscitation Sequences on Alveolar Ventilation during the First Minute of Simulated Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: Randomized Cross-Over Trial. Healthcare 2022; 10, 2451.
Suppan M, Stuby L, Fehlmann CA, Abbas M, Achab S, Harbarth S, Suppan L. The Impact of Three Communication Channels on the Dissemination of a Serious Game Designed to Enhance COVID-19 Prevention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022; 19(16):10143.
Suppan L, Fehlmann CA, Stuby L, Suppan M. The Importance of Acknowledging an Intermediate Category of Airway Management Devices in the Prehospital Setting. Healthcare 2022; 10(5):961.
Stuby L, Suppan L, Jampen L, Thurre D. Impact of the Over-the-Head Position with a Supraglottic Airway Device on Chest Compression Depth and Rate: A Post Hoc Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Healthcare 2022; 10(4):718.
Currat L, Suppan M, Gartner BA, Daniel E, Mayoraz M, Harbarth S, Suppan L, Stuby L. Impact of Face-to-Face Teaching in Addition to Electronic Learning on Personal Protective Equipment Doffing Proficiency in Student Paramedics: Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022; 19(5):3077. [doi: 10.3390/ijerph19053077]
Stuby L, Jampen L, Sierro J, Bergeron M, Paus E, Spichiger T, Suppan L, Thurre D. Effect of Early Supraglottic Airway Device Insertion on Chest Compression Fraction during Simulated Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Randomised Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2022; 11(1):217. [doi: 10.3390/jcm11010217]
Koka A, Suppan M, Carrera E, Fraga-Freijeiro P, Massuk K, Imbeault M-E, Missilier Perruzzo N, Achab S, Salerno A, Strambo D, Michel P, Stuby L, Suppan L. Knowledge Retention of the NIH Stroke Scale among Stroke Unit Health Care Workers Using Video vs. E-Learning: Protocol for a Web-Based, Randomized Controlled Trial. Healthcare 2021; 9(11):1460. [doi: 10.3390/healthcare9111460]
Suppan M, Stuby L, Harbarth S, Fehlmann CA, Achab S, Abbas M, Suppan L. Nationwide Deployment of a Serious Game Designed to Improve COVID-19 Infection Prevention Practices in Switzerland: Prospective Web-Based Study JMIR Serious Games 2021; 9(4):e33003. [doi: 10.2196/33003]
Stuby L, Currat L, Gartner B, Mayoraz M, Harbarth S, Suppan L, Suppan M. Impact of Face-to-Face Teaching in Addition to Electronic Learning on Personal Protective Equipment Doffing Proficiency in Student Paramedics: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2021 Apr 30;10(4):e26927. [doi: 10.2196/26927]
Suppan M, Abbas M, Catho G, Stuby L, Regard S, Achab S, Harbarth S, Suppan L. Impact of a Serious Game (Escape COVID-19) on the Intention to Change COVID-19 Control Practices Among Employees of Long-term Care Facilities: Web-Based Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021 Mar 25;23(3):e27443. [doi: 10.2196/27443]
Stuby L, Jampen L, Sierro J, Paus E, Spichiger T, Suppan L, Thurre D. Effect on Chest Compression Fraction of Continuous Manual Compressions with Asynchronous Ventilations Using an i-gel® versus 30:2 Approach during Simulated Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Protocol for a Manikin Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Healthcare 2021 Mar;9(3):354. [doi: 10.3390/healthcare9030354]
Suppan M, Stuby L, Carrera E, Cottet P, Koka A, Assal F, Savoldelli GL, Suppan L. Asynchronous Distance Learning of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale During the COVID-19 Pandemic (E-Learning vs Video): Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021 Jan 15;23(1):e23594. [doi: 10.2196/23594]
Suppan L, Abbas M, Catho G, Stuby L, Regard S, Harbarth S, Achab S, Suppan M. Impact of a Serious Game on the Intention to Change Infection Prevention and Control Practices in Nursing Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Protocol for a Web-Based Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2020 Dec 15;9(12):e25595. [doi: 10.2196/25595]
Suppan L, Stuby L, Gartner B, Larribau R, Iten A, Abbas M, Harbarth S, Suppan M. Impact of an e-learning module on personal protective equipment knowledge in student paramedics: a randomized controlled trial. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control 2020 Nov 10;9(1):185. [doi: 10.1186/s13756-020-00849-9]
Suppan L, Abbas M, Stuby L, Cottet P, Larribau R, Golay E, Iten A, Harbarth S, Gartner B, Suppan M. Effect of an E-Learning Module on Personal Protective Equipment Proficiency Among Prehospital Personnel: Web-Based Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020 Aug 21;22(8):e21265. [doi: 10.2196/21265]
Suppan M, Gartner B, Golay E, Stuby L, White M, Cottet P, Abbas M, Iten A, Harbarth S, Suppan L. Teaching Adequate Prehospital Use of Personal Protective Equipment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Development of a Gamified e-Learning Module. JMIR Serious Games 2020 Jun 12;8(2):e20173. [doi: 10.2196/20173]
Koka A, Suppan L, Cottet P, Carrera E, Stuby L, Suppan M. Teaching the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale to Paramedics (E-Learning vs Video): Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020 Jun 9;22(6):e18358. [doi: 10.2196/18358]
Bertrand J, Fehlmann C, Grosgurin O, Sarasin F, Kherad O. Inappropriateness of Repeated Laboratory and Radiological Tests for Transferred Emergency Department Patients. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019; 8(9):1342. [doi : 10.3390/jcm8091342]

Baldi E, Auricchio A, Klersy C, Burkart R, Benventi C, Vanetta C, Bärtschi J. Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests and mortality in Swiss Cantons with high and low COVID-19 incidence: A nationwide analysis. Resuscitation Plus 2021 Jun 1;6:100105. [doi:10.1016/j.resplu.2021.100105]
Siebert, JN, Bloudeau L, Ehrler F, Combescure C, Haddad K, Hugon F, Suppan L, Rodieux F, Lovis C, Gervaix A, Manzano S. A mobile device app to reduce prehospital medication errors and time to drug preparation and delivery by emergency medical services during simulated pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation: study protocol of a multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled trial. Trials 2019 Nov 20;20(1):634. [doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3726-4]

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